Transform Health
Transform Health is using #UHCDay 2024 as a global moment of advocacy to launch an action towards more effective, equitable and accountable...
World Economic Forum
Universal health coverage: a global problem with local solutions
Opinion: With political will, we can close the health financing gap
World Bank Blogs
Quality, affordable health services for 1.5 billion people: A vision for a healthier, more resilient world
WHO Regional Committee for Europe
74th Session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe
The McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer
The McCabe Centre launches new Policy Brief for the Western Pacific Region on UHC Day
South Africa Government
The Department of Health will tomorrow (Thursday 12, December) join the global community to commemorate the Universal Health Coverage (UHC)...
KauseKonnect Global
This initiative focuses on raising awareness about the role of AYUSH-based practices in achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in India.
Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Center
We decided to conduct a discussion inviting policymakers, NGOs, and healthcare providers to discuss gaps in access and actionable solutions.
World Health Organization
New WHO report reveals governments deprioritizing health spending