Bekwarra Hepatitis B Support & Advocacy Initiative
As a civil society organization and member of Civil society engagement mechanism(CSEM) of the UHC, our primary aim for the UHC DAY 2024 will be on health promotion with emphasis on "emerging, reemerging and neglected tropical infectious disease".
As members of the affected community, we will pay attention on Viral hepatitis;
✓ awareness/sensitization campaign, ✓screening/point of care testing, ✓counselling
✓ linkage to point of care for those living with viral hepatitis.
The above exercise will be carried out in collaboration with the Cross River
State Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Welfare and Community Development, as well as local authorities including the traditional and religious institution to achieve the universe goal of; test all, treat all, vaccinate all!.
However, we shall be mobilizing for funding/support as we have demonstrated to ensure success.
Other events
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Build the world we want: Immunization on the road to Primary Health Care (PHC) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
GFF, World Bank, WHO
Financement de la santé: comment utiliser au mieux l'outil juridique ? (Webinaire du 16 décembre)
launch of the WHO collaborating centre of UHC in China, with the National Health Commission and Tsinghua University.