7th November 2024 09:00 UTC - 31st December 2024 10:00 UTC

UHC advocacy letter – open office hours for advocates

Thank you for your engagement in the UHC Day campaign this year and making this UHC Day campaign count. This UHC Day we are calling on governments to invest in health for all and protect people – particularly the most vulnerable among us – from impoverishing health spending. As you know, we are aiming to send a maximum of letters to Heads of State, Ministers of Health and Finance, Members of Parliament and/or local authorities to call on them to translate their UHC commitments into laws, budgets, policies and programmes that protect everyone from financial hardship when accessing health care. We are counting on you to voice and hold your decision makers accountable to the commitments they have made to achieve health for all! To support your advocacy work and ensure you have the support you need to send an effective UHC advocacy letter to decision-makers ahead of UHC Day this year, UHC2030 and CSEM are hosting a 1-hour open office hour for all advocates to answer your questions, provide tailored feedback and help you send your letters. You can find the UHC advocacy letter template here: csemonline.net/uhc-advocacy-letter/ We look forward to seeing you online!

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