Fundación Me Muevo
Patient organizations have learned that the road to an equitable health system cannot be traveled alone. Despite having accurate diagnoses and solid proposals, the spaces for dialogue and consensus have become the greatest challenge. That is why we need bridges.
For Universal Health Coverage Day, we are hosting a dialogue called "Bridges 2024", that seeks to change the axis of the conversation: from differences and tensions to encounter and collaboration.
On that day, we will work together on three key questions to move towards a health system that leaves no one behind: i) What are the main barriers we currently face in moving towards a more equitable health system? ii) What partnerships can we build or strengthen from our different perspectives? and iii) What actions can we articulate, in the short term, to enable the necessary changes?
From the patients' world, we firmly believe that all perspectives and experiences are fundamental to build a fairer health system. We are making a broad call to sow consensus and co-create a common horizon.
Other events
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Build the world we want: Immunization on the road to Primary Health Care (PHC) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
GFF, World Bank, WHO
Financement de la santé: comment utiliser au mieux l'outil juridique ? (Webinaire du 16 décembre)
launch of the WHO collaborating centre of UHC in China, with the National Health Commission and Tsinghua University.