International Alliance of Patients' Organizations

11th December 2024 12:30 UTC - 12th December 2024 14:00 UTC

UHC Compass launch: empowering patient organisations to hold governments accountable for universal health coverage

This webinar, scheduled for 11 December 2024 at 12:30 to 14:00 CET via Zoom, will mark the official launch of the UHC Compass, a tool designed to empower patient organisations in advancing universal health coverage (UHC) within their countries.

Set against the backdrop of the World Health Assembly resolution on social participation and UHC Day 2024, this session will delve into how the UHC Compass can serve as a powerful instrument for holding governments accountable for investing in universal health coverage.


UHC has been a long-standing demand of civil society and patient organisations worldwide. This year’s UHC Day theme highlights the critical responsibility of governments in ensuring affordable or free healthcare for all, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable. The recent approval of the WHA resolution on social participation marks a significant milestone, paving the way for these actors to play a more active role – not only in holding governments accountable for implementing UHC but also in contributing meaningfully to discussions on how to achieve it.

Built upon the resolution on social participation and existing UHC resources (such as the ones developed by UHC2030 and CSEM), the Compass is being launched at a time when these global efforts for advancing UHC and institutionalising social participation can change the global health landscape and reshape health systems worldwide so they truly serve the unique needs, perspectives, contexts and preferences of the patients, people and communities they serve.

The UHC Compass is an interactive tool designed to support patient organisations in advancing UHC on the ground. It provides knowledge on UHC, but also offers self-assessment resources and case studies for patient organisations to develop their capabilities in playing an active role in decision-making processes in health.

The Compass was co-created by the Global Patient Think Tank (GPTT), a group of patient representatives from across the globe convened by Roche. As a member of the GPTT, IAPO will host the UHC Compass and ensure it reaches the wider global patient organisation community and beyond.

Learn more about the UHC Compass.

More details:

Register for the webinar

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