Knowledge success
“A Rolling Thunder of Events”
Recognizing the importance of scaling up voluntary postpartum and postabortion family planning (PPFP and PAFP), the USAID-funded MOMENTUM Safe Surgery in Family Planning and Obstetrics project led by EngenderHealth, in partnership with the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO), FP2030, and a number of additional global health organizations, launched a Call to Action on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day—December, 12, 2023—for global and national stakeholders to join forces to advance PPFP and PAFP. To provide a deeper understanding of the events and insights that led to the publication of the Call to Action, Knowledge SUCCESS interviewed key members of the coalition behind it—Laura Raney, FP2030 HIPs Secretariat Director; Vandana Tripathi, MOMENTUM Safe Surgery Project Director; and Saumya Ramarao, Independent Global Health Consultant. This post highlights the pivotal moments in their collaboration, lessons learned along the way, and a glimpse into what the future holds.
Other events
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Build the world we want: Immunization on the road to Primary Health Care (PHC) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
GFF, World Bank, WHO
Financement de la santé: comment utiliser au mieux l'outil juridique ? (Webinaire du 16 décembre)
launch of the WHO collaborating centre of UHC in China, with the National Health Commission and Tsinghua University.