Senior Citizens Association of Zambia
We will organize a community based sensitization for older persons on their right to health and care. we intend to train about 40 older persons. We further intend to organize a panel radio discussion on the Universal Health coverage fit for an ageing population. The discussion will explore the impediments to accessing health and care services by older persons and make recommendations which could ensure accessible health and care services fo older persons and those who need support.
Other events
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Build the world we want: Immunization on the road to Primary Health Care (PHC) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
GFF, World Bank, WHO
Financement de la santé: comment utiliser au mieux l'outil juridique ? (Webinaire du 16 décembre)
launch of the WHO collaborating centre of UHC in China, with the National Health Commission and Tsinghua University.