The McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer
The McCabe Centre launches new Policy Brief for the Western Pacific Region on UHC Day
Thursday 12 December, 2024
The McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Law & Noncommunicable Disease, is proud to launch a new Policy Brief for the Western Pacific Region on Law, Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC).
The Policy Brief is being launched today, Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Day, and the theme this year is: Health: it’s on the government. UHC has three goals: equity in access, quality healthcare services (including prevention and health promotion measures), and financial risk protection.
We know that by investing in Universal Health Coverage, we increase health and wellbeing, as well as improve equity and social cohesion – which is of benefit to all governments, as well as the individuals and communities they serve.
With the urgent need for action in the Western Pacific Region (1 in 5, approx. 385 million people face 'catastrophic' health expenses) each year due to out-of-pocket healthcare costs, we’ve developed a policy brief on law, UHC and NCDs specifically for the region.
“The Policy Brief sets out the reasons why action on NCDs and UHC are mutually reinforcing, and the critical role law plays in realising these interlinked public health agendas. It also covers key factors that governments and countries need to consider when using law to act on NCDs and advance UHC,” said Tarishi Desai, McCabe Centre’s Manager - Treatment & Supportive Care.
“Because there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to achieving UHC, we’ve included three country case studies: from Vietnam, Japan, and the Philippines, with practical examples of laws these countries have implemented to assist their communities with their healthcare needs, and goals,” she added.
We hope you find this a valuable resource.
Link to the policy brief here.
If you have any queries, please contact the McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer, Email:
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