The Populace Foundation International (TPFI)
We will commemorate UHC Day as one of the series of events that we have planned. One of the main events Crossborder Peacebuilding Prayer Day celebrations take place on 6th December will be blended with 16-Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) with the post conflict communities of northern Uganda and the cross border region between Uganda and South Sudan.
Other events
The Geneva Learning Foundation
Build the world we want: Immunization on the road to Primary Health Care (PHC) and Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
GFF, World Bank, WHO
Financement de la santé: comment utiliser au mieux l'outil juridique ? (Webinaire du 16 décembre)
launch of the WHO collaborating centre of UHC in China, with the National Health Commission and Tsinghua University.