The Universal Health Coverage Partnership (UHC-P)

11th December 2024 08:00 UTC - 13th December 2024 17:00 UTC

The Universal Health Coverage Partnership (UHC-P) is WHO's largest platform for international cooperation on UHC, with a presence in more than 130 countries and an impact on billions of lives. The UHC-P aims to strengthen country capacities and processes for developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating national health strategies and reforms towards fostering primary health care-oriented health systems. The UHC Partnership provides tailored, bottom-up and flexible support to countries to help implement their national health priorities.

To capitalize on its work to date and to agree on the way forward, guided by the WHO GPW14, the UHC-P is organizing its Global Meeting on 11-13 December 2024 in Lyon, France. This is a cornerstone event, dedicated to building on the global momentum of the GPW14 to reorient health systems towards a PHC approach to achieve universal health coverage and progress on health security. Bringing together participants from 130 countries and development partners, the Global Meeting will provide an important forum to share knowledge on best practices for effective interventions and innovations, discuss persistent challenges and bottlenecks, and provide networking opportunities for all stakeholders. Guided by the GPW14, these discussions will be crucial in shaping the UHC-P agenda for the coming years. Particular attention will be paid to the need to demonstrate results based on a theory of change.

Starts 11 Dec 2024, 08:00

Ends 13 Dec 2024, 17:00



Centre des congrès, Lyon, France

50 Quai Charles de Gaulle, 69006 Lyon, France

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