UHC Day 2024 Theme:
Health: It’s on the government!
Investing in universal health coverage (UHC) enhances equity and social cohesion while benefiting the national economy by improving health and well-being, increasing workforce participation and productivity, and building resilience in individuals, families and communities.
By adopting the Sustainable Development Agenda in 2015, Heads of State and governments from every country have committed to ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all. They reaffirmed these commitments in the political declarations adopted during the 2019 and 2023 High-Level Meetings on UHC. Yet, 4.5 billion people still do not have access to essential health services.
Over the last 20 years, financial protection has worsened, with 2 billion people experiencing financial hardship and 1.3 billion people pushed into poverty due to health expenses.
This must change! This UHC Day we call on governments to invest in health for all and protect people – particularly the most vulnerable among us – from impoverishing health spending.